Counting divisors of a number in O(N1/3)


Note: For discussion, please jump to the blog on Codeforces. This post is re-written and hence a bit more refined, but carries the same underlying idea.



Given a number N, count the number of divisors of N.

For example:

Naive Solution - Factorization

One straightforward solution is to use the fact that if p is a factor of N, then N/p is also a factor of N. We can prove that min(p,N/p)N. This gives us an O(N) algorithm to find all the factors of N.


def divisor_count(N):
    divisors = 0
    i = 1
    while i * i <= N:
        if N % i == 0:
            p = i
            q = N / i
            divisors += 1
            if p != q:
                # Handle the case when N is not perfect square.
                divisors += 1

        i += 1
    return divisors

Moving towards prime factorization

An alternate way of counting divisors is to decompose N into it’s prime factors {p1,p2,pk} such that N=p1c1p2c2pkck. Now the number of divisors of N is simply d(N)=(a1+1)(a2+1)(ak+1), where d(N) denotes the number of divisors of N. One important thing to note about d(N) is that if PQ=N and gcd(P,Q)=1, then d(N)=d(P)d(Q). The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.

Similar to the naive approach, we can loop over primes pi such that piN and find corresponding ai. The number left after dividing N by i=1kpici is either 1 or a prime number. The proof is simple – there is only 1 prime p>N that can divide N.


def divisor_count(N):
    primes = list of primes <= sqrt(N)
    product = 1
    for p in primes:
        counter = 0
        while N % p == 0:
            N /= p
            counter += 1
        product *= (counter + 1)
    if N != 1:
        product *= 2
    return product

Optimized Solution

Let us try to extend what we have already seen so far. Let’s try to write N=XY such that X=piN1/3pici. Finding d(X) is fairly simple – we only need to consider primes under N1/3. We can also observe that gcd(X,Y)=1. So if we can find d(Y), then d(N)=d(X)d(Y).

An important observation is that since the minimum number that divides Y is greater than N1/3, hence we can conclude that Y has at most 2 prime divisors. Therefore, the possible 4 cases are:

  1. Y=1, d(Y)=1
  2. Y is a prime number, d(Y)=2
  3. Y is square of a prime number, d(Y)=3
  4. Y is product of 2 prime numbers, d(Y)=4

Checking for (1) is simple. If we can check for (2) and (3), then we need not worry about (4). And the common part for both (2) and (3) is primality testing. Let’s write out some pseudocode so we understand the theory until now.


def divisor_count(N):
    primes = list of primes <= cube root of N
    divisors = 1
    for p in primes:
        counter = 0
        while N % p == 0:
            N /= p
            counter += 1
        divisors *= (counter + 1)

    if is_prime(N):
        divisors *= 2
    elif is_square(N) and is_prime(sqrt(N)):
        divisors *= 3
    elif N != 1:
        divisors *= 4
    return divisors

Implementing is_prime function

The only non trivial part of the above pseudocode is the is_prime function, since the largest prime can be of the order O(N). We can use a probabilistic primality test – Miller Rabin test. It has a time complexity of O(Klog3N), where N is the number tested for primality, and K is the number of rounds performed.


The time complexity of this approach is O(N1/3+Klog3N). K=20 is generally sufficient for the Miller Rabin test, hence the overall time complexity is O(N1/3).


You can try this technique on problems with more lenient requirements as well (eg: for problems requiring N factorisation), but here’s one that requires this trick:

Hope you found this useful and happy coding!